Pictured from left to right is Isreal Williams, Terrell Galloway, and Sean Spencer.

Our story began as a simple name change.

Co-founder and President, Terrell Galloway was tired of hearing the n-word circulate within his friend group. The controversial word is often used as a term of endearment among black people, however, Terrell felt it was time for a change. He originally suggested using the word Negus, meaning Ethiopian King. Even though the connotation around this word was enriching, it didn’t have a ring to it. Then he thought well why not just King? However, being in 11th grade in high school he reflected and realized that he and his friends didn’t have a King mentality yet. They were Princes or Future Kings.

While in college at Duquesne University studying journalism, Co-founder and CFO, Sean Spencer connected with his friend Terrell and discussed starting their own business and helping the community. This was something Terrell had also been thinking about while attending Tuskegee University studying Mechanical Engineering. Because of the mentorship they received, they decided together that they were going to start their own mentoring program surrounding the concept and mentality of being a Future King.

During their junior year of college, Terrell and Sean began developing Future Kings Mentoring program. Terrell had transferred back home to finish obtaining his mechanical engineering degree from the University of Pittsburgh. There he would meet back up with an old friend, Isreal Williams, a current senior majoring in industrial engineering. Isreal has always found ways to give back to the programs that helped him excel so when Terrell told him about Future Kings, he was immediately on board and accepted the position as Secretary.

Today, Future Kings Mentoring is continuing to spread the knowledge and mentality of what it means to be a Future King and is impacting lives throughout the inner-city of Pittsburgh.